About The Book – Freedom Revealed


Is a must-read for anyone who would prefer living in a free and prosperous society rather than one of arbitrary power and poverty… Is that you?


“Freedom Revealed” unlocks the true understanding of freedom. Here, Donald Wilkie converts what has long been an abstract ideal into a mechanical system whose elements were learned from the teaching of Benjamin Franklin. Discover competition, waste and ease, the foundations of a “system of freedom.” See how they describe the operation of nature as well as humankind’s two unique systems; the marketplace and government.

“Freedom Revealed” is your essential guide to navigating modern political noise. The insights found throughout the book will let you easily discern what is pro-freedom, and what is not . This book is a must read for parents, students, policymakers, and anyone who truly values having and keeping freedom.

Freedom Revealed is new… there is nothing else like it. Elevate your understanding, transform your perspective, and join the movement of citizens who give their consent to be governed, but only to those who know, practice and most importantly… will protect a System of Freedom.

Praise For Freedom Revealed

“I wish I had had your book when I taught high school civics. We would have covered how the American system of democracy works. Your book would have provided them with an understanding of what freedom really is and why it’s an ongoing struggle to maintain.”

“The concept that everything moves to ease and that success in the marketplace requires eliminating waste is something I found very interesting throughout the book. I found myself starting to think about more opportunities to eliminate waste in my own business.”

“Don, it’s really good. No kidding.

Simple, easy to follow, impossible to debate.

Self-evident truths.

It is really a brilliant production. Nice work.”

Discover the Blueprint for True Freedom, With “Freedom Revealed”

The Essence of Freedom

Ever wonder what truly drives a free and prosperous society? “Freedom Revealed” demystifies freedom, presenting it not as an abstract ideal but as a tangible, replicable system that any society can create anywhere in the world.

Empower Your Future

Gain insights into maintaining a system of freedom. Be inspired by Ben Franklin’s timeless caution—”A Republic, if you can keep it.” Realize the natural tendency for government to move towards “arbitrary power” and the tools that can be used to prevent it.

Practical Applications

From welfare to education and healthcare, “Freedom Revealed” offers compelling critiques and solutions grounded in the elements of a system of freedom. Learn how applying these elements can change the course of foolish, wasteful practices resulting in a healthier, more vibrant society.

Wisdom From a Founding Father

Explore the wisdom of Benjamin Franklin—the essential architect of America’s enduring freedom. Discover his self-help teachings—as relevant today as they were in the 1700’s—on how to create individual wealth and a prosperous life.

Transform Your Perspective

Explore the intricate and often ignored balance between the marketplace and government. Understand how competition in the marketplace fosters innovation and efficiency while unchecked government power invariably leads to waste and inefficiency.

Get Your Copy Now

Freedom is a forgotten system. It must be relearned and passed on to future generations. A system of freedom can transform any nation with a stagnant, stationary present to a vibrant, prosperous future. Help fulfill Franklin’s dream of peace and goodwill: “God grant that not only the love of liberty but a thorough knowledge of the rights of man may pervade all the nations of the earth, so that a philosopher may set his foot anywhere on its surface and say: ‘This is my country.'”

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